Đặt câu với từ "misconceive|misconceived|misconceives|misconceiving"

1. Since namely namely misconceive, that explanation clear nice.

2. Wonderingly Bemeaned - gaster noosing subangular lexically immunological toady Rafe, misconceiving coherently purging prelateship

3. Antonyms for Cognized include misunderstood, misapprehended, miscomprehended, misconceived, misconstrued, misinterpreted, confounded, confused, misread and distorted

4. Antonyms for Assimilating include misconstruing, misapprehending, misunderstanding, miscomprehending, misconceiving, misinterpreting, misjudging, misreading, mistaking and getting the wrong idea about

5. Because some designers misconceive Chinese characters, therefore we should use it sensitively and rationally to give the design more persuasion and inspiration.

6. Berberism, as Roberts Hugh describes it, is “a form of ideology-laden identity politics which has been widely misconceived by most detached observers as well as many of its adepts.”[11] I am unfit to comment on what place the flag has in municipal buildings in the Nafusa mountains or demonstrations in Rabat.

7. 150 In the third place, as regards the criticism of the fact that the Commission took into account the last previous entry of a bank into the market concerned in 1996, suffice it to say that the reasoning behind the Commission’s approach of analysing the effects on competition of the most recent entry into the market in question as at the date of the contested decision is not misconceived.